Become a supporting company
Our supporting companies advance transparency and good governance in the extractive sector worldwide by observing and promoting the Expectations for EITI supporting companies and by contributing financially to the international management of the EITI.
How to become an EITI supporting company
Step 1: Complete and submit the EITI supporting company form
To express interest in becoming an EITI supporting company, please contact the EITI International Secretariat and complete our supporting company form. There are separate forms for commodity traders and financial institutions.
Step 2: Commit to the Expectations for EITI supporting companies
EITI supporting companies – including oil, gas and mining companies and commodity traders – are expected to observe the Expectations for EITI supporting companies. Companies are asked to state their support and acknowledge commitment to the Expectations using the template statement of support for the EITI.
Commodity traders are encouraged to follow the EITI's reporting guidelines, and financial institutions are asked to agree to the statement of support to the EITI from financial and lending institutions.
Step 3: Support the international management of the EITI
Oil and gas companies
Oil and gas companies are required to make an annual contribution according to their market capitalisation as follows:
- USD 90,000 (>USD 50 billion market cap)
- USD 60,000 (between USD 10 – 50 billion market cap)
- USD 30,000 (<USD 10 billion market cap)
Mining and metals companies
Mining companies are required to make an annual contribution according to their market capitalisation as follows:
- USD 90,000 (>USD 50 billion market cap)
- USD 60,000 (between USD 10 – 50 billion market cap)
- USD 30,000 (<USD 10 billion market cap)
Commodity traders
Commodity traders are required to make an annual contribution according to their annual revenue as follows:
- USD 90,000 (>USD 75 billion revenue)
- USD 60,000 (between USD 25 – 75 billion revenue)
- USD 30,000 (<USD 25 bn revenue)
Financial institutions
Financial institutions are required to make an annual contribution to the international management of the EITI of USD 9,950. Other companies supporting the EITI are required to make an annual contribution according to their market capitalisation at the same levels indicated above for oil, gas and mining companies.