The Board adopted criteria to consider developments and information disclosed after the commencement of Validation.
Decision on the Validation process
The Board decided that it will exercise its discretion to consider developments and information disclosed after the commencement of Validation where the following four criteria are met:
Multi-stakeholder group support: The proposal to consider developments and information disclosed after the commencement of Validation has the support of the multi-stakeholder group.
Specific and verifiable: The information is specific, detailed, substantiated and clearly sourced, and can be quickly and independently verified. Non-specific information, including on planned actions, will not be considered.
Material significance: The information has the potential to materially impact the assessment of individual requirements and/or render the proposed corrective actions redundant.
- Timely: The proposal to consider developments and information disclosed after the commencement of Validation is presented to the Validation Committee within a reasonable timeframe, allowing sufficient time for verification and discussion. The Validation Committee and Board will not consider representations made a short notice prior to Board decisions.
The Validation Committee will review the application of these criteria after six months and make a recommendation to the Board if necessary regarding further refinement of the criteria.