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The EITI Board adopted a revised Summary data template.

Decision on summary data collection

Decision reference
2019-33 / BC-271
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2016-2019, Article 12

The EITI Board adopted a revised Summary data template, to be required for EITI reporting on, or after, 1 July 2019.

The Board-approved summary data template is the EITI’s tool for collecting and publishing structured extractive sector data. The revised template draws on experience gained since the introduction of the summary data template in 2015 and on stakeholder consultations conducted in late 2018 and early 2019.

The new template takes into consideration recent decisions by the EITI Board to encourage systematic disclosure of information and ensures that additional requirements of the EITI Standard are reflected in the templates, including the requirement for project-level reporting. The International Secretariat will ensure that the template also captures the revised EITI Requirements of the 2019 EITI Standard.