This EITI Report covers Afghanistan's mining, oil and gas sectors in 2018-2019 (Afghanistan fiscal years 1397-1398), with updated information where available on 2020 (1399). The English version was published in June 2021, with the Dari and Pashto versions expected to be published in July 2021. The detailed granular data is available in the Summary Data for 2018-2019, published alongside the 7th AEITI Report.
This EITI Report is based on an alternative approach to EITI reporting, which deviates from the conventional reconciliation of payments and revenues, in accordance with the EITI's global pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting that the AEITI MSG joined in July 2020. Rather than reconciling company payments with government revenues, the MSG opted for:
- unilateral disclosures by government and the two extractive SOEs.
- a detailed review of audit and assurance practices by the Supreme Audit Office (SAO).
- a review of the availability of EITI data published through routine government systems such as the MOMP’s Transparency Portal.
- expanding the scope of government disclosures to mineral and gems exporters, of importance given the level of informal and illicit mining in Afghanistan.
Rather than focusing on reconciliation of a small number of companies, the report analyses 12 years of AEITI data (2008-2019). Key analytical questions included the correlation of production and royalty payments, of SOE profits with their payments to government, and comparisons of projected and actual extractive revenues over time.