The objective of the procedure is to recognise implementing countries that make transparency an integral and routine feature of their management systems. It is important to emphasise that the procedure does not alter the EITI’s disclosure requirements. Implementation in accordance with this procedure would require the same information, in the same amount of detail, as is the case today. The procedure would not in any way alter the provisions regarding MSG oversight.
The proposed procedure has seven phases:
1. Commitment from government and agreement by the MSG to explore this approach to implementation of the EITI Standard;
2. Feasibility – a rigorous assessment of the viability of mainstreamed disclosure by an independent and technically competent body in accordance with a Board agreed template terms of reference;
3. Work plan – MSG agreement on a schedule for disclosure and assurance, including any capacity building and technical assistance;
Please see the Terms of Reference for a mainstreaming feasibility study for steps 2 and 3
4. Application – An MSG-approved application to the EITI Board seeking approval of the proposed work plan;
5. Approval – Board approval of the suggested approach.
6. Implementation and Reporting – in accordance with the work plan, including annual EITI Reports that collate the requisite data and provide links to further information.
7. Review – annual reviews by the MSG of the process as per Requirement 7.
The process includes several safeguards to ensure that the adoption of this procedure is based on rigorous analysis and a coherent plan for disclosures, with oversight by both the MSG and the EITI Board.