EITI country report
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2018-2020 EITI Report - 1st semester
Published on 30 March 2021 by the DRC EITI, this report covers the period 2018 - 1rst semester 2020. It is based on "flexible reporting", as per the EITI Board's decision in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. It includes information on the impact of the pandemic on the extractive sector. The DRC EITI is also issuing six thematic studies to complement findings from this report on license awards and registers (EITI Requirements 2.2 and 2.3), contract transparency (2.4), beneficial ownership (2.5), SOE transparency (2.6, 4.5, 6.2), the SICOMINES infrastructure agreement (4.3) and subnational payments and transfers (4.6 and 5.2).