El Consejo acordó que Perú ha logrado progreso significativo en general implementando el Estándar EITI 2016, con mejoras considerables.
Board decision
El Consejo EITI ha acordado que Perú ha abordado parcialmente las acciones correctivas de su primera Validación. Consecutivamente, Perú ha logrado progreso significativo general en la implementación del Estándar EITI 2016, con mejoras considerables a través de varios requisitos individuales.
El Consejo reconoció los esfuerzos de Perú de alinear sus objetivos de la implementación EITI con prioridades nacionales para las industrias extractivas. La implementación EITI de Perú también fue reconocida por proveer una plataforma constructiva para discusión y debate sobre el manejo del sector extractivo, involucrando todas las partes interesadas. La segunda Validación confirmó los esfuerzos de Perú de asegurar que los datos extractivos divulgados por compañías y entidades de gobierno participantes en los reportes EITI, están sujetos a auditorias y procesos de seguridad en línea con estándares internacionales. El Consejo acogió con satisfacción la revisión frecuente de lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones de la implementación EITI.
El Consejo acogió con satisfacción los esfuerzos en curso de considerar las oportunidades para mejorar las divulgaciones de gobierno y compañías a través de divulgaciones sistemáticas. El Consejo también acogió con satisfacciones los esfuerzos en curso para descentralizar el EITI al implementar a nivel subnacional. Los cinco procesos regionales EITI en Apurimac, Arequipa, Loreto, Moquegua y Piura son un avance significativo al traer transparencia a la gestión de recursos en Perú y un ejemplo de mejores prácticas para el resto de la familia EITI. Perú es alentado a continuar asegurando la adherencia de los Principios y Requisitos EITI al mismo tiempo que asegura exhaustividad en divulgación de ingresos y pagos, así como gastos sociales. El Consejo acogió con satisfacción la cobertura emergente de estos gastos sociales los cuales representan una parte substancial de la contribución de la industria a desarrollo local. El progreso y los planes de aportar más información sobre esas contribuciones a través de DATAMART es notado y alentado. El Consejo y el Secretariado Internacional están disponibles para apoyar a Perú en aumentar su transparencia en esta área importante.
El Consejo ha determinado que Perú tendrá 12 meses, es decir hasta el 17 de Junio 2020 antes de una tercera Validación para llevar a cabo acciones correctivas en cuanto a exhaustividad (4.1) y gastos sociales obligatorios (6.1). En caso de no lograr progreso satisfactorio en la tercera Validación, resultara en suspensión de acuerdo con el Estándar EITI. De acuerdo con el Estándar EITI, el GMP de Perú puede solicitar una extensión de este periodo de tiempo, o solicitar que la Validación comience antes de lo programado.
Corrective actions and strategic recommendations
El Consejo EITI acordó las siguientes acciones correctivas a ser realizadas por Perú. El progreso en abordar estas acciones correctivas será evaluado en la tercera Validación el 17 de junio 2020.
- De acuerdo con el Requisito 4.1, el grupo multipartícipe debe acordar cuales compañías son materiales y por lo tanto deben ser incluidas en el alcance de reconciliación. Se invita a que el GMP considere si el establecimiento de un umbral de materialidad en términos de participación de las empresas en los ingresos de gobierno garantizaría que todas las empresas importantes quedan cubiertas en la conciliación. A la luz de las disposiciones constitucionales de confidencialidad del contribuyente, se insta al GMP a que se asegure de que se comprometa anualmente al menos a confirmar que todos los ingresos materiales y las empresas han sido incluidas en la conciliación, en estrecha colaboración con la autoridad tributaria (SUNAT).
- De acuerdo con el Requisito 6.1, Perú debe revisar la cobertura de los gastos sociales obligatorios para todas las partes interesadas, incluidas las comunidades indígenas, y acordar un enfoque para abordar este requisito de acuerdo con el Estándar EITI. Una vez que se haya tomado y documentado una decisión, los pagos sociales se divulgarán en un formato accesible al público, y de conformidad con el Requisito 6.1.
La segunda Validación de Perú comenzó el 1 de julio 2018. De acuerdo con el Requisito 8.3.c, el Secretariado Internacional asesoró el progreso logrado de acuerdo al cumplimiento las seis acciones correctivas establecidas por el Consejo EITI durante la primera Validación en 2016 de Perú. De acuerdo con los procesos de Validación, el borrador de evaluación [Inglés | Español] fue enviado al Grupo Multipartícipe de Perú el 4 de enero 2019. Comentarios [Inglés | Español] fueron recibidos el 28 de enero 2019 [Inglés | Español] para su revisión por el Comité de Validación. Tras las revisiones realizadas por el Comité de Validación el 7 de febrero, 27 de febrero, 10 de abril, 25 de abril y 23 de mayo 2019, se finalizó una recomendación para su consideración por el Consejo EITI. Documentación adicional de contexto está disponible aquí.
Scorecard for Peru: 2019
Assessment of EITI requirements
- Not met
- Partly met
- Mostly met
- Fully met
- Exceeded
Scorecard by requirement View more | Assessment View more |
Overall Progress |
MSG oversight |
1.1Government engagement |
The Ministry of Energy and Mines and Mines has led the Government’s active participation in the EITI. It has maintained a satisfactory level of engagement, appointed senior officials to lead, and coordinated and mobilised resources for EITI implementation. Stakeholders confirmed that they trust and have confidence in the appointed officials |
1.2Company engagement |
There is an enabling environment for company participation. Companies are actively and effectively engaged in the EITI process. Obstacles to company participation regarding taxpayer confidentiality provisions have successfully addressed. |
1.3Civil society engagement |
Civil society is actively and effectively engaged in the EITI process. There is an enabling environment for civil society participation. The fundamental rights of civil society actors are respected and there are no major obstacles to their participation in EITI related activities and discussions. Civil society stakeholders speak freely, collaborate with each other, are not restrained, coerced or reprimanded as result of their EITI-related activities. There is, however, scope to increase civil society engagement in the EITI beyond the multi-stakeholder group. |
1.4MSG governance |
The CMPE comprises relevant actors and appears to function well with an inclusive decision-making process. Stakeholders have identified opportunities for reviewing the representation of government entities. The ToRs for the CMPE largely addresses the requirements of the EITI Standard and appears to be followed in practice. |
1.5Work plan |
Peru has an updated work plan that sets out the key aspects of the EITI process, aligned with national priorities. The work plan is publicly accessible with specific and measurable implementation objectives. Stakeholders and companies were adequately engaged in the EITI work plan´s preparation. |
Licenses and contracts |
2.2License allocations |
While the E-cadastre system appears to comprehensively address license allocation in the mining sector, the issue of licence transfers in the hydrocarbon sector has not been addressed by the CMPE. Similarly, in the oil and gas sector, substantial information is publically available. However, the comprehensiveness of this information and the disclosure of license transfers has not been addressed by the CMPE. |
2.3License register |
The information required is publically available through the webpages of INGEMMET and Perupetro. |
2.4Policy on contract disclosure |
Peru’s approach to contract transparency is exemplary. Contracts are publically available via MINEM or Perupetro’s websites. The EITI Reports provide an overview of the mining projects that have signed special contracts for guarantees and promotion of investments and links to hydrocarbon contracts. |
2.1Legal framework |
Comprehensive disclosure of relevant laws, regulations and fiscal regime in the 2014 Report. Improvement in the disclosure vis-ávis the 2013 Report. |
2.5Beneficial ownership |
Not assessed |
There is no evidence that the CMPE has discussed this topic in any detail. |
2.6State participation |
With respect to Activos Mineros, EITI Peru provided a detailed explanation of the prevailing rules and practices regarding the financial relationship between this state-owned enterprise and the government. Activos Mineros has no ownership in any operating company within the country’s extractive sector. EITI Peru provided a clear description of Perupetro’s activities and revenues, including the operation of Block Z-2B. The coverage of royalty payments from license contracts appears to be comprehensive. |
Monitoring production |
3.1Exploration data |
The EITI Reports provides an overview of exploration including significant exploration activities. Links to further reading are provided. Stakeholders were satisfied with these disclosures. |
3.2Production data |
Production data by commodity is included in Peru’s EITI reports and on government websites |
3.3Export data |
The EITI Report contains the value of exports by main commodities. Although export volumes are not disclosed as part of the EITI Report, the International Secretariat has confirmed this data is readily available through other official publications. |
Revenue collection |
4.3Barter agreements |
Not applicable |
This requirement is not applicable in Peru. The Independent Administrator has confirmed the inapplicability of the “Works for Taxes” regime under 4.3 Requirement, noting its coverage under income tax payments under requirement 4.1. |
4.6Direct subnational payments |
Not applicable |
The International Secretariat could establish that subnational government entities do not levy any specific taxes to the extractives industries. Other taxes collected by subnational governments as registration fees appear to be immaterial. |
4.7Disaggregation |
It has been confirmed that the report is fully disaggregated by company and revenue stream. |
4.9Data quality |
Although the standard ToRs for Independent Administrator services has not been consistent with the Board-approved template, the 2015-2016 EITI Report addresses most of the key requirements and the overall objective of safeguarding reliable data has been satisfied. The Independent Administrator has reviewed the scope of the payments (and revenues) to be reported and reviewed the associated audit and assurance procedures. The Independent Administrator commented on the comprehensiveness and reliability of the data. |
4.1Comprehensiveness |
EITI Peru have agreed a definition of materiality in terms of the value of production. However, the EITI Board has been clear that basing the definition of materiality on the value of production alone is not sufficient. An ex post assessment of the coverage of payments showed that a material company have been omitted. |
4.2In-kind revenues |
Not applicable |
Based on the information that is publically available, it seems clear that this requirement is not applicable. |
4.4Transportation revenues |
Not applicable |
The assessment confirms that the government does not collect material revenues from transportation of oil, gas or minerals. |
4.5SOE transactions |
The 2013 EITI Report addresses the role of the state-owned enterprises. Material revenues collected by Perupetro are well documented in the assessment of Requirement 4.1. Revenues collected by Petroperu are related to the downstream sector and are not relevant for the EITI in Peru. |
4.8Data timeliness |
Peru has published timely EITI Reports covering four fiscal years (2011-2014). Minutes of CMPE meetings document the decision regarding the fiscal period covered by the reports, the approval of the reports and a decision to pilot an online disclosure system. |
Revenue allocation |
5.1Distribution of revenues |
EITI reports indicate how the income from the extractives revenues are distributed. Peru has a publicly available system disclosing the distribution and use of these revenues. |
5.2Subnational transfers |
Statutory subnational transfers in Peru are disclosed. Two regions are piloting EITI implementation.) |
5.3Revenue management and expenditures |
Not assessed |
EITI Reports disclose earmarked revenues as part of the Requirement 5.2. Peru has publicly available government systems disclosing national budget, audit processes and studies addressing the sustainability and resource dependence. EITI Reports could be an opportunity to educate the public about these systems. |
Socio-economic contribution |
6.1Mandatory social expenditures |
EITI Peru have agreed on the existence of mandatory social expenditures in the oil and the mining sector. There remains however a lack of comprehensive disclosure of social expenditures codified in provisions of mining companies’ mandatory environmental impact assessments and oil and gas mandatory social expenditures by law or terms of the contract governing extractives activities. |
6.2Quasi-fiscal expenditures |
Not applicable |
Based on the information available, the understanding of the International Secretariat is that SOE’s quasi-fiscal expenditures are not applicable in Peru. |
6.3Economic contribution |
Information regarding the contribution of the extractive sector to the economy is widely available in the webpages of public entities as well as in the EITI Reports |
Outcomes and impact |
7.2Data accessibility |
Not assessed |
EITI-Peru has undertaken some work to make data from EITI Reports accessible like an online visualization tool. Nevertheless, additional efforts should be implemented to fully address this provision. |
7.4Outcomes and impact of implementation |
The APR notes on recommendations provided by the Independent Administrator. Even though an impact assessment was not launched, there is evidence on regularly discussions to identify opportunities to increase impact. EITI Peru has an active role in developing recommendations and exploring options for addressing issues of greatest relevance such as subnational implementation. |
7.1Public debate |
Peru EITI Reports have been actively promoted and distributed, are publicly available and contributed to the public debate. The government, parliamentarians, civil society, the media and the industry are familiar with the reports. Dissemination events have been carried out in the capital and in several regions. Civil society and the industry have separately disseminated the EITI Reports. |
7.3Follow up on recommendations |
The MSG has taken steps to act upon lessons learnt, to identify weaknesses of the EITI process and to consider the recommendations for improvements from the Independent Administrator. There is evidence that stakeholders have discussed how to strengthen EITI’s impact. |