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Photo of James Ensor

James Ensor

Chief Executive Officer, BHP Foundation

James Ensor is the Chief Executive Officer of the BHP Foundation. As a sustainability and international development leader, James has a track record of enabling people and organisations to achieve transformational change.

With 30 years global leadership experience spanning the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors, James contributes towards sustainable development through strengthening collaboration between communities, civil society, the private sector and governments.

In 2016, James was appointed inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the BHP Foundation where he continues to lead the strategic direction of a transformative portfolio of projects working in partnership with 40 world-leading NGO’s and international institutions operating across 65 countries.

James’s previous experience includes Director of International Programs and Public Policy at Oxfam, and with the Central Land Council in the Northern Territory, Australia, represented the interests of the Indigenous landowners of Central Australia. James is also founder of People & Planet Group Pty Ltd, a management consulting firm providing sustainability advice across corporate, government and NGO sectors.

With degrees in Economics and Science (specializing in Natural Resource Management) and postgraduate qualifications in Journalism, James is a Faculty Member of the Cambridge University Business & Environment Programme for Industry and currently a Board Member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.