The landlocked country in a volatile region, where competition for mineral resources often leads to conflict, turns to the global standard for transparency in the extractive industries.
The Government of the Republic of Burundi formally committed to implement the EITI Standard in a declaration published by Mr Come Manirakiza, Minister of Energy and Mines on 20 January 2015 in Bujumbura.
“We are committed to implement the EITI, as it is in line with our policy to promote transparency and accountability in the management of our natural resources”, said Minister Come Manirakiza, Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbon. Natural resources, primarily artisanal mining, are expected to account for 30% of the country’s GDP according to the government Second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2012-2015).
In preparation for a candidature application, the government undertook, with support from the World Bank and GIZ, a scoping study that identified potential barriers to EITI implementation.
The commitment follows the declaration of Heads of States of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), in which the President Pierre Nkurunziza, along with 11 other Heads of States in the region encouraged each other to accede to the EITI as a tool to mitigate illegal exploitation of their countries’ natural resources.
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