This report sets out key summary information on the extractive industries in the UK. The website provides a deeper overview of these industries, including a comprehensive overview of the extractive industries in the UK, and dedicated pages on the upstream oil and gas sector, and the mining and quarrying sectors in the UK.
Following the summary information this report goes on to set out data on extractives-related payments received and made by the UK Government in 2018. This is the result of a data gathering and reconciliation exercise overseen by the multi-stakeholder group. Further detail on how this exercise has been conducted is provided on the webpage on approach and methodology.
Information on how the Government uses the income from these payments can be found on the webpage on revenue allocations.
More information on the multi-stakeholder group, EITI and implementation of the EITI Standard in the UK can be found in Annex A in this report.
The website also includes further background on UK EITI and the work of the UK EITI Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG).
All data tables can be downloaded in CSV format below here.
Note: most of UK's information on other areas covered by the EITI Standard are systematically disclosed.