EITI glossary
This glossary is compiled by the EITI International Secretariat and is only provided as a resource.
- Delisting
When a country is no longer recognised as implementing the EITI due to failure of adhering to the EITI Requirements or if the country’s political environment makes the EITI process impossible.
- Depletion allowances
An allowance that is deductible when calculating tax liabilities or when reporting financial profits (depending on the context). It relates to the depletion of an asset in the ground. The costs of producing wells and facilities, and the costs of leases are gradually written off over the life of an oil field or mineral deposit. The annual depletion allowance is calculated by relating the production for the year to the total producible reserves at the beginning of the year.
- Disaggregation
A method of reporting by which individual company payments made to a government are disclosed and can be identified separately. It can also refer further to reporting individual types of payments, so that each payment type (royalty, tax, etc.) can be identified.
- Dividend
A payment to a partner or shareholder out of the profit of a company as a return on the investment made.
- Dodd-Frank Act
In the EITI context, this typically refers to Section 1504 of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 1504 requires companies listed on the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to report the payments made to governments for access to oil, gas and minerals.