Consultancy opportunity: Enhancing Transparency and Accountability within SOEs in Argentina
Request for proposals
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is seeking a Consultant (either a firm or an individual) to support the transparency efforts of provincial-level state-owned enterprises (SOEs) within Argentina’s extractive sector. The Consultant will assist these SOEs in complying with the 2023 EITI Standard, promote the systematic disclosure of information, and collaborate with EITI Argentina to address any existing gaps. This work will contribute to enhancing transparency, strengthen SOE governance and commodity trading procedures and ensure that the financial activities of these SOEs are effectively disclosed and understood, further advancing Argentina’s commitment to transparency in the extractive industries.
Instrucciones de aplicación
A Consultant will be selected following a quality and cost-based selection procedure. The Consultant should submit:
- A Technical Proposal in Spanish, outlining: (a) the experience of the firm / consultants, (b) the proposed methodology and work plan in response to the Terms of Reference (TORs) and (c) the key experts’ qualifications and competence. The Technical Proposal should not include any financial information. Technical proposals containing material financial information shall be declared non-responsive.
- A Financial Proposal in English, clearly indicating a lump sum financial proposal, inclusive of all costs associated with required travel and applicable taxes. The financial proposal should clearly differentiate fees from any other reimbursable expenses. The daily rate for the consultant fees should be clearly indicated. The Financial Proposal should be sent as a password protected PDF file. The passwords should not be sent. The passwords will be requested following the assessment of the technical proposals.
Proposals must be delivered by email to [email protected] by 18.00 CET on Thursday 10 October with the subject line “Consultant for supporting subnational SOE transparency in Argentina – proposal attached.”
All questions related to the project, its timeline and deliverables should be submitted to [email protected] by no later than 18.00 CET on Thursday 3 October. Responses to the questions will be made available on the tender page.
Acerca del EITI
Creemos que los recursos naturales de los países pertenecen a sus ciudadanos. Nuestra misión consiste en promover el conocimiento sobre la gestión de los recursos naturales, fortalecer la gobernanza y la rendición de cuentas en los ámbitos público y corporativo, y aportar datos que sirvan de sustento para la creación de políticas y el diálogo multipartícipe en el sector extractivo. Al convertirse en miembros del EITI, los países se comprometen a divulgar información a lo largo de la cadena de valor de las industrias extractivas, desde la forma en que se otorgan los derechos sobre actividades extractivas, hasta el modo en que los ingresos llegan a manos de los gobiernos y cómo benefician a la población. A través de la participación en el EITI, más de 50 países han acordado a respetar un conjunto de normas comunes que determinan qué debe divulgarse y cuándo: en otras palabras, el Estándar EITI. En cada uno de los países que se ha unido al EITI hay un grupo multipartícipe, conformado por el gobierno, empresas y la sociedad civil, que colabora con la implementación del Estándar EITI.