Validation templates - 2023 EITI Standard
Templates for documenting evidence of progress in EITI implemenation
When preparing for Validation or as part of implementation process, multi-stakeholder groups should use the following Board-approved templates to provide evidence of progress in the three components of Validation:
Outcomes and impact template
- Component A - Outcomes and impact template
- Optional tool for tracking corrective actions and recommendations from EITI reporting: Component A - Outcomes and impact template - Overview of EITI recommendations (optional)
Stakeholder engagement templates
- For government and MSG: Component B1 - Stakeholder engagement template - MSG and government engagement
- Optional tool for tracking MSG membership and attendance: Component B1 - Stakeholder engagement template - MSG and government engagement - MSG governance (optional)
- For companies: Component B2 - Stakeholder engagement template - Company engagement
- For civil society: Component B3 - Stakeholder engagement template - Civil society engagement
Transparency templates
- Component C1 - Transparency template - Module "Overview of the extractive sector" covering Requirements 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 6.3
Other components to be agreed and published in the upcoming months
In November 2024, the EITI Board agreed the revised Validation templates for outcomes and impact, stakeholder engagement, and the transparency module (first of seven) covering the overview of the extractive sector in line with the 2023 EITI Standard. The templates are an integral part of Validation and capture the documentation and self-assessment of multi-stakeholder groups on progress towards meeting the 2023 EITI Standard. They have been designed to also support implementation.
What is the purpose of these templates?
The purpose of these templates is for the multi-stakeholder group (MSG) to conduct a self-assessment on meeting EITI Requirements on a particular component and/or module.
For Validation, these templates serve as documentation from the MSG about progress on each component/module.
When should these templates be completed?
The templates should be used as a tool for implementation. MSGs are encouraged to use these templates regularly and ahead of Validation to monitor progress as part of day-to-day EITI implementation. Countries may ask for feedback from a respective country lead and indicate that a particular form is for International Secretariat feedback.
The templates should be finalised and published by the commencement of Validation. For Validation, these templates serve as basis for assessing the country under each component/module. The templates must be reviewed and signed off by the multi-stakeholder group and submitted latest on the day of the commencement of Validation and be published on the country’s website. At this stage, it should be indicated that the templates are submitted for Validation.
Who should fill in these templates?
The MSG should fill these templates with support from the national secretariat and guidance from the International Secretariat. Where relevant, inputs could be sought from constituency members outside of the MSG. The MSG needs to give a final sign-off on the contents of the templates.