Future Minerals Forum 2024
On 11 January, the EITI will speak at the Future Minerals Forum in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Where: King Abdulaziz International Conference Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
When: 11 January, 15:10 - 15:45 GMT+3
Future Minerals Forum is one of the world's largest gatherings of senior government and industry representatives, dedicated to creating resilient and responsible mineral value chains in the super regions of Africa, Western and Central Asia.
The event will commence with a Ministerial Roundtable on 9 January, bringing together approximately 60 ministers from Africa and Western and Central Asia to discuss various aspects of mineral and metals production and supply chains. The main conference and exhibition will take place on 10 and 11 January, featuring a diverse range of sessions. EITI Legal & Corporate Engagement Director Andrew Irvine will speak at panel session 7, "Navigating political complexity and enabling effective collaboration on critical mineral supply chains" (15:10 - 15:45).
For additional information, visit the Future Minerals Forum website.
Photo: Mohammed younos / Shutterstock