Reinforcing the bridge between MSG and media for effective EITI implementation
EITI regional virtual workshops on advancing public debate in Latin America and the Caribbean
EITI regional virtual workshop on strengthening MSGs' collaboration with media in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Dates: 12 September 2024; October 2024 (date TBC); November 2024 (date TBC); January 2025 (date TBC); February 2025 (date TBC)
Location: Virtual
Languages: English and Spanish
Registration: To participate, please contact the EITI's LAC team:
The EITI International Secretariat is hosting a series of interactive virtual workshops aimed at strengthening the capacity of multi-stakeholder groups (MSGs) to collaborate with media outlets, analyse information, and advocate for transparency in the extractive sector. The workshops will bring together National Coordinators, and members of EITI MSGs.
Workshop objectives:
- Strengthen MSGs' capacity to build relationships with media actors
Foster exchanges and dialogue between MSGs and media outlets
Raise awareness of MSG activities to media outlets
Identify and share innovative practices for media engagement and impact
Workshop structure
The workshops will be held in five parts:
Session 1: Thursday 12 September 2024
- Focus: Public debate, challenges and opportunities: A peer-learning session.
- Participants: National Coordinators and MSG members
Session 2: October 2024
- Focus: Media as a partner, trust building from theory to practice. This session will delve into the crucial partnership between - MSGs and media in fostering public debate on extractive industries, especially given 2023 Standard anticorruption provisions.
Participants: National Coordinators, MSG members, EITI-related civil society organisations, and journalists
Session 3: November 2024
Focus: Messaging and advocacy. This session aims to address the challenge of capturing media interest in EITI work.
Participants: National Coordinators, MSG members, civil society organisations within and outside the MSG, and journalists
Session 4: January 2025
- Focus: Peer learning exchange. Participants from other EITI implementing countries and regions will present and exchange examples of successful media engagement cases and practices, highlighting impactful stories and how MSGs can develop a media strategy from scratch.
Participants: National Coordinators, MSG members, civil society organisations and journalists
Session 5: February 2025
- Focus: Creating impact from EITI Reports. Here MSG members will prepare a media strategy highlighting the most relevant issues in their recent EITI Reports and how to best convey them to a broader audience.
- Participants: National Coordinators, MSG members, civil society organisations and journalists
Workshop format:
Each session will include interactive presentations, panel discussions, case studies, and group exercises. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions and share their experiences. These seminars will benefit from the support and participation of other international organisations, development partners, MSG members and other stakeholders interested in good governance and transparency in the extractive sector.
If you are interested in these sessions, please contact the LAC team at the EITI International Secretariat: