Request for Expressions of Interest - Independent Evaluation of the EITI
Independent Evaluation of the EITI
This open call is now closed.
The EITI International Secretariat is seeking a qualified consultant/s to undertake an independent evaluation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s (EITI). The EITI Board has agreed that the Evaluation should be based on international best practice, aimed at providing credible and useful evidence to strengthen accountability for development results and to contribute to organisational learning.
The consultant must be a reputable firm, perceived by EITI stakeholders to be credible, trustworthy and technically competent. The consultant will need to demonstrate:
- Expertise in results-based monitoring and evaluation in similar governance and transparency multi-stakeholder initiatives;
- Understanding of governance issues in the oil, gas and mining sectors.
- Previous experience with EITI is not required but would be advantageous.
- Credibility and independence: the consultant needs to be credible in the eyes of the host governments, the private sector and civil society.
- A team that is able to consult stakeholders in English, French, Spanish and Russian.
In order to ensure the quality and independence of the exercise, consultant is required, in their technical proposal, to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest, together with commentary on how any such conflict can be avoided.
Expressions of Interest should include:
- A short (1-2 page) description of the consultant’s strategy to address the Evaluation’s methodology and scope, including specific approaches, steps, and priorities.
- A brief overview of previous experience and expertise, demonstrating the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Evaluation,
- A brief overview of key individuals and experts, highlighting their qualifications and expertise.
A shortlist of firms will then be invited submit written questions and to attend an online question and answer session before submitting more detailed technical and financial proposals. Detailed proposals should include:
- The Technical Proposal should outline: (a) the experience of the firm / consultants, (b) the proposed methodology and work plan in response to the Terms of Reference (TORs) and (c) the key experts’ qualifications and competence, including CVs.
- The Financial Proposal should clearly indicate a lump sum financial proposal, inclusive of all applicable taxes, in USD or Norwegian Kroner (if Norway-based). The financial proposal should clearly differentiate fees from any other reimbursable expenses. The daily rates for the consultant fees should be clearly indicated.
A consultant will be selected following a quality- and cost-based selection procedure. Initially, consultants are invited to submit an expression of interest by COB Friday, 16 July 2021 to Shemshat Kasimova ([email protected]).
A propos de l'ITIE
Nous considérons que les ressources naturelles d’un pays appartiennent à ses citoyens. Notre mission consiste à promouvoir la compréhension de la gestion des ressources naturelles, à renforcer la gouvernance et la redevabilité publiques et des entreprises, et à fournir les données nécessaires à l’élaboration des politiques et au dialogue multipartite dans le secteur extractif. En devenant membres de l’ITIE, les pays s’engagent à divulguer des informations sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de l’industrie extractive – des conditions d’octroi des droits d’extraction, à la manière dont les revenus parviennent au gouvernement et profitent à la population. Par le biais de la participation à l’ITIE, 56 pays ont adopté un ensemble de règles communes régissant ce qui doit être divulgué et quand – la Norme ITIE. Dans chacun des pays ayant adhéré à l’ITIE, un groupe multipartite composé de représentants du gouvernement, des entreprises et de la société civile apporte son soutien à la mise en œuvre de la Norme ITIE.