Study on governance and corruption risks in the renewable energy sector
Request for proposals.
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is seeking a Consultant to produce a study assessing governance and corruption risks in the renewable energy sector. The EITI International Secretariat intends to engage the services of a Consultant to undertake the tasks assigned in these Terms of Reference.
The Consultant should be a prominent firm, organisation or individual(s) that the EITI International Secretariat considers to be credible, trustworthy and technically competent.
The consultant must demonstrate:
- Knowledge of the renewable energy sector, including a strong understanding of investment trends, potential governance and corruption challenges and key stakeholders.
- Experience of analysing governance and corruption risks. Experience of conducting such analysis specifically in the renewable energy sector is an advantage.
- Understanding of key best practice frameworks, standards and initiatives to promote sustainability in the renewable energy sector.
- Familiarity with EITI Requirements and processes, as well as an understanding of governance and corruption challenges in the extractive industries is an advantage.
- Excellent written communication skills, including a track record of producing high-quality public documents (proposals should include links to such publications).
- Excellent oral communication skills, including the ability to present the findings of the study to various types of stakeholders. Proficiency in French is an advantage.
- Prior working experience with EITI is an advantage but not required.
Proposals, following the templates provided below, must be delivered by email to by close of Monday 10 April (Central European Time).
- A Technical Proposal, following this template
- A Financial Proposal, clearly indicating a lump sum financial proposal, inclusive of all costs associated with applicable taxes, at a maximum USD 20,000. The daily rate for the consultant fees should be clearly indicated.
A propos de l'ITIE
Nous considérons que les ressources naturelles d’un pays appartiennent à ses citoyens. Notre mission consiste à promouvoir la compréhension de la gestion des ressources naturelles, à renforcer la gouvernance et la redevabilité publiques et des entreprises, et à fournir les données nécessaires à l’élaboration des politiques et au dialogue multipartite dans le secteur extractif. En devenant membres de l’ITIE, les pays s’engagent à divulguer des informations sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de l’industrie extractive – des conditions d’octroi des droits d’extraction, à la manière dont les revenus parviennent au gouvernement et profitent à la population. Par le biais de la participation à l’ITIE, 56 pays ont adopté un ensemble de règles communes régissant ce qui doit être divulgué et quand – la Norme ITIE. Dans chacun des pays ayant adhéré à l’ITIE, un groupe multipartite composé de représentants du gouvernement, des entreprises et de la société civile apporte son soutien à la mise en œuvre de la Norme ITIE.