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Yemen brings EITI reporting to the Middle East region

On Wednesday 10 November, Yemen launched its first EITI Report of the payments and revenues of oil covering 2005, 2006 and 2007. Yemen became the 24th country to disclose its revenues from natural resources in an EITI Report. Total revenue from the oil sector from these three years amounted to over US$15 billion.

EITI Chairman Peter Eigen said: “With the publication of their EITI reconciliation report, Yemen becomes the first country to publish an EITI Report in the most resource-rich region in the world, the Middle East. To publish this report, the stakeholders in Yemen are making a significant stride in addressing the distrust and tension that has characterised the oil sector. The EITI in Yemen is building a platform for a better future for the management of its oil”.

The 2005-2007 Yemen EITI Report is available on Yemen's recently launched EITI website.

For further information about EITI implementation in Yemen, visit the Yemen country page on the EITI website, or contact Regional Director Eddie Rich at the EITI International Secretariat.
