From 13 to 17 October EITI stakeholders from all over the world met in Myanmar's capital to take part in the EITI Board meeting and side events. This resource-rich country, which is emerging from decades of military rule, is undertaking significant efforts to reform its oil, gas and mineral sector including increasing transparency and accountable management of its natural resources. As part of this process, Myanmar was admitted as an EITI candidate country in July 2014. EITI is now front and centre of these reforms, contributing to discussions around governance of state-owned enterprises and establishment of natural resource funds.
The Board welcomed new countries as members, discussed challenges and acknowledging the progress in others. A framework for assessing EITI implementation, including civil society participation was agreed.
These are the press releases issued as part of the Board meeting:
United Kingdom accepted as candidate of resource transparency body
Colombia accepted as candidate of resource transparency body
Indonesia recognised as compliant with EITI transparency standard
Chad recognised as compliant with EITI transparency standard
Statement by EITI Chair Clare Short on Azerbaijan
EITI staff shared their observations and insights of every day in these blog pieces:
Day one: Opening EITI data and reaching out to new countries.
Day two: The Board meeting kicks off, discussing progress and challenges in EITI countries.
Day three: Second day of the Board meeting, acknowledging achievements and addressing concerns.
Day four: Tuning into the Conference on Natural Resource Governance.
Day five: On a field drip to learn about the impact companies have in the Tantintharyi region.
The EITI Myanmar week was successful also thanks to the commitment and engagement of the Myanmar government.