Trinidad and Tobago's 2022 EITI Validation: call for views on stakeholder engagement
Call for views on progress in EITI implementation in Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) joined the EITI in 2011. The next Validation of Trinidad and Tobago against the 2019 EITI Standard is scheduled to commence on 1 September 2022.
In accordance with the Validation procedure, the EITI International Secretariat is seeking stakeholder views on T&T’s progress in implementing the 2019 EITI Standard between September 2018 and August 2022.
Application instructions
Stakeholders are requested to send views to Christina Berger ( by 1 September 2022. Please find the more detailed questions for the public consultation attached.
About EITI
We believe that a country’s natural resources belong to its citizens. Our mission is to promote understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate governance and accountability, and provide the data to inform policymaking and multi-stakeholder dialogue in the extractive sector. By becoming a member of the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), countries commit to disclose information along the extractive industry value chain – from how extraction rights are awarded, to how revenues make their way through government and how they benefit the public. Through participation in the EITI, more than 50 countries have agreed to a common set of rules governing what has to be disclosed and when – the EITI Standard. In each country that has joined the EITI, a multi-stakeholder group, composed of government, companies and civil society, supports implementation of the EITI Standard.