Jaqueline Terrel Taquiri
Former Technical Officer
Nationality: Peruvian
Jaqueline is an expert in tax law and the extractive industries and supported the EITI’s work on Validations, and systematic disclosure practices through government and corporate reporting systems. Her focus was on Latin America and the Caribbean countries.
Prior to joining the EITI, Jaqueline worked for several years for the private sector. She was a lawyer associate at a leading tax law firm in Peru, and also worked in the Business Tax Advisory Team of Ernst & Young Peru.
Jaqueline holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Mineral Law and Policy at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), University of Dundee and was awarded a Rio Tinto Plc scholarship. She also holds a specialisation in tax law from the Pontifical University Catholic of Peru. Her professional interests are related to international taxation law and the extractive industries, tax governance, as well as global transparency and accountability initiatives related to the extractives industries. Jaqueline speaks English and Spanish and is based in Scotland.