Jaqui Freeman
Vice President, Tax Policy, bp
Jaqui Freeman is Vice President tax policy for bp, a leading global energy company, which has been based in the UK for more than 100 years and operates in over 70 countries around the world.
Jaqui joined bp’s tax team as a graduate around 30 years ago and has worked in various tax roles, in both the UK and overseas, with a focus on international taxation and energy and extractives tax matters. In her role as VP tax policy she is responsible for leading bp’s engagement with multiple external stakeholders on global and local tax policy issues relevant to bp. She has a particular interest in tax transparency and has been bp’s lead in this area for some years.
Jaqui holds a Bachelor in Business Studies from Leeds Metropolitan University, UK and from Bremen University, Germany, and she is a member of the Association of Tax Technicians and the Chartered Institute of Taxation. She is married and has two children.