Terms of Reference: EITI systematic disclosure feasibility study
Terms of Reference for an EITI systematic disclosure feasibility study
This document has been issued by the EITI International Secretariat as a standardised model Terms of Reference (TOR) for implementing countries that wish to conduct a feasibility study for systematic disclosure of EITI data. Countries may wish to use parts of or the entire TOR depending on study needs. The text [in brackets] should be completed by the MSG. It also contains comment boxes to guide the MSG in the inclusion or exclusion of some aspects of the feasibility study. Questions about this document can be directed to the International Secretariat.
According to the ToR, the objective of the assignment is to assess the feasibility of embedding EITI disclosures in government systems and corporate reporting. The consultant will produce a feasibility study that:
- assesses to what extent information that is required in the EITI Standard, or is otherwise relevant for achieving the objectives outlined in the MSG’s workplan, is already made publicly available in governmental and corporate systems;
- outlines any barriers or gaps in timely, comprehensive and reliable disclosures, as well as technical or financial support needs;
- documents stakeholders’ views and willingness to embed EITI processes and disclosures in governmental and corporate systems;
- proposes a roadmap for embedding EITI disclosures and the process for future EITI implementation. This should include actions, responsible parties, timelines, resource and technical assistance needs.
- examine opportunities for strengthening multi-stakeholder consultation and dialogue, and to make this participation more effective. This could include considering options for integrating MSG oversight into existing representative bodies.