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The EITI Board recognises Tanzania’s efforts to implement extractives transparency

The EITI Board recognises Tanzania’s efforts to implement extractives transparency

Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Act (TEITA) 2015 mandates revenue and contract disclosures.

25 October 2017 –The EITI Board today recognised Tanzania’s meaningful progress in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard.

The Board affirmed Tanzania’s efforts to institutionalise extractive sector transparency by adopting the Tanzania Extractive Industries Transparency Act (TEITA) 2015, mandating revenue and contract disclosures. The Validation has demonstrated that “the EITI process has provided useful information to the public domain, and that there are further opportunities for the EITI to contribute to the government’s reform agenda.”

In the Validation report, the Board “further highlighted the potential for the EITI to contribute to informing and communicating the outcomes of sector reforms Tanzania.


In reference to Tanzania’s validation, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Chair of the EITI, said:

“Validation has shone a light on the need for more comprehensive disclosures about production and export data and the management of revenues from the extractive industries. It has identified gaps in available information on some of the state-owned enterprises in the petroleum and mining sectors and the revenues that accrue from those activities to the state budget.”

The Board highlights Tanzania’s achievement of satisfactory progress on eight requirements of the EITI Standard. These requirements are engagement of industry and civil society, legal and fiscal framework, exploration data, disaggregation, timeliness, and documenting outcomes and impact of implementation.




