Systematic disclosure toolkit
Toolkit for disclosing data at source
Extractive industry transparency should not be confined to an EITI Report. Rather, it should become an integral part of how governments manage their extractive sector and companies manage their operations.
This toolkit includes an introductory document which explains what mainstreaming means in practice; it includes a tool for assessing which disclosures are made systematically, and provides some examples of how countries have mainstreamed some aspects of the EITI Standard.
The tool is an excel file containing a list of all the required disclosures under the EITI Standard. It can be used to assess which disclosures are already made available to the public outside of the EITI process.
For MSGs and national secretariats, a useful question to ask when performing the exercise is: “Our latest EITI Report covered fiscal year YYYY (e.g. 2020). Can I find the same information for YYYY+1 (i.e. 2021) already? What disclosures can I find without referencing to any EITI-related documents and websites?”
Once the information has been located, the tool assists in answering the following two questions:
- Are the disclosures commensurate with what is required by the EITI Standard?
- What is missing to comply with the EITI Standard?