From sand to gas to green?
Perspectives on the natural gas and green hydrogen sectors in Mauritania
Thematic report on the impact of the energy transition on the perspectives on the natural gas and green hydrogen sectors in Mauritania
This report reviews the status and prospects for the development of the gas and green hydrogen sectors in Mauritania, and the extent to which global carbon-reduction policies may hamper or support their development.
In particular, the report aims to answer the following questions:
- Will carbon emission reduction policies significantly reduce the demand for oil and gas and hamper the prospects of Mauritania’s nascent gas export sector?
- Are the same policies conducive to the development of a green hydrogen sector in Mauritania?
- What may be the potential impact of the development of both sectors in Mauritania, particularly on government revenues?
- Which opportunities and challenges exist, and what initiatives can government and donors undertake to foster the development of both sectors?
To achieve this, the report reviews the status of maturity of the major proposed projects; the challenges to be surmounted to bring them to light; and the potential impact on them of alternative price scenarios. The study also aims to support EITI Mauritania in strengthening its role in providing analysis of available data that is useful to policymakers; private sector developers; and other stakeholders, including civil society and the public at large.
The report can be accessed on EITI Mauritania website.