Board approves Argentina's request for adapted implementation
EITI International Board approves Argentina’s request for adapted implementation.
Board decision
The Board approved Argentina’s request for adapted implementation in accordance with Article 1 of Section 4 of the 2019 EITI Standard. For the 2022 reporting period, Argentina is required to continue disclosing information in accordance with EITI Requirements on all extractive activities and revenues under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and to disclose comprehensive provincial level information for the provinces that have committed to EITI implementation.
This should include at minimum two provinces, as well as any additional provinces that commit to EITI implementation ahead of the production of the 2022 EITI Report. The multi-stakeholder group (MSG) should continue outreach efforts to provinces that have extractive activities. The MSG should review the availability of systematically disclosed information from all provinces and improve the public accessibility of this information.
For EITI disclosures beyond the reporting period of 2022, the MSG is required to submit to the EITI Board a new proposal for EITI implementation in Argentina, with the goal of continuously increasing the comprehensiveness of disclosures.