Eni is an Italian oil and gas company engaged in the exploration, production, refining and sale of oil, gas, electricity and chemicals. The company has operations in 71 countries worldwide.
We promote a transparent approach in the conduct of our business activities also by joining the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and by dialoguing with the Governments of the countries that have not formally joined the initiative yet. Our commitment in this direction brought us to strongly support the voluntary publication of payments in the countries where we operate, believing that transparency is a prerequisite to fight international corruption.
Engagement with the EITI
Eni plays an active role in supporting the implementation of the EITI Standard and contributing to the preparation of EITI reports in countries where it operates. The company also contributes to the activities of multi stake-holder groups in nine countries: Congo, Ghana, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Timor Est and the United Kingdom.
Strengthening transparency
Eni pursues tax strategy targets in accordance with local tax laws. It also guarantees that its personnel will abide by all laws and regulations, as stated in the principle of zero tolerance to corruption in Eni’s Code of Ethics.
In 2016 Eni released a publication completely dedicated to transparency, with the aim of describing Eni's effort in terms of voluntary disclosure on payments, tax strategy and organisational transparency. The company publishes the report on payments to governments in compliance with the reporting obligations introduced by the Directive EU 2013/34 (Accounting Directive) and in line with the EITI standard. For more information, please visit Eni’s 2019 payments to governments report.
In compliance with the Italian Law no. 208/2015, Eni publishes its Country-by-Country Report (CbC Report). The CbC Report is a collection of data on the overall volume of business, profits and taxes recorded in the places where Eni does business.
Eni prepares and discloses the guidelines in the Tax Field (Tax strategy) that define the commitments pursued by Eni from the taxation viewpoint. The company participated in a Securities and exchange commission (SEC) consultation on the rule proposed to implement Section 1504 of the Dodd-Frank Act and relating to the disclosure of payments to governments, declaring itself favourable to the alignment of regulatory standards on transparency and the guarantee of a “level playing field.”
Furthermore, Eni provides disclosure on its organisational structure in line with Beneficial Ownership in its integrated annual report.
Company assessment
Download the results of the 2023 assessment of company progress in meeting the Expectations for EITI supporting companies.