In many countries, the most important contribution of the EITI has come about because governments have decided to act on recommendations that have emerged from EITI reporting. Experience suggests that the nature of the recommendations in EITI Reports and the extent to which the EITI multi-stakeholder group and the government follow up on the recommendations significantly influence the impact of the EITI.
In many countries, EITI Reports have been useful diagnostic tools identifying weaknesses in government systems. EITI Reports have often made recommendations aimed at addressing such weaknesses and improving sector management. They are thus making an important potential contribution to policy reform and change.
However, even where EITI reporting has revealed shortcomings, the recommendations have often focused on improving technical aspects of the EITI reporting process, such as reporting templates or data collection for EITI Reports, rather than improving extractive sector governance. Failure to implement recommendations has too often contributed to lost opportunities for impact and reform.
The following country stories show how EITI reporting has highlighted shortcomings in government systems, and recommended actions for improvements. The stories illustrate the impact in countries that have acted upon these recommendations, and highlight the potential and importance of considering EITI recommendations in the countries that have not yet done so.
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