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2023 Assessment of EITI supporting companies

Results of assessment of companies’ progress in meeting the Expectations for EITI supporting companies

This spreadsheet presents the individual results of the EITI’s assessment of 62 companies in meeting the Expectations for EITI supporting companies. The aggregate results were published on 13 June 2023.

The progress of each company in meeting each expectation is assessed as either “Met”, “Partially met” or “Not met.” Where an Expectation is deemed not applicable to a company, this is indicated in the spreadsheet.

The assessment was conducted from January to June 2023, and many companies were in the process of finalising their reporting during this period. Where a company indicated fresh information or that an updated commitment was forthcoming, this information is noted in the EITI International Secretariat’s comment in the spreadsheet. Relevant information received from a company after the assessment process was completed but prior to its publication, is also noted in the comments.

This assessment followed a robust procedure developed by the International Secretariat, including a desktop review; data collection; an initial assessment by the International Secretariat; company feedback; and a final assessment by the International Secretariat and internal quality assurance. No companies objected to publication of the data.

Update May 2024: This document was updated in May 2024 to reflect company responses on their progress in meeting Expectations that were assessed as “Not met” or “Partially met”. These responses are documented under each Expectation in a yellow column marked “Company response”.


The EITI International Secretariat assesses companies according to the assessment criteria for each Expectation, which are outlined in the Guidance on the Expectations for EITI supporting companies. The Expectations are primarily applicable to international mining and oil and gas companies that support the EITI. While supporting state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and commodity traders were also included in this assessment, not all Expectations are applicable to them. 

This was the EITI’s second assessment of EITI supporting companies. The first assessment took place in 2021, and the individual results were published in August 2021. The Expectations were subsequently revised and strengthened in February 2022. The EITI continues to learn from and improve upon the assessment process, drawing on feedback from companies and other stakeholders.