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Afghanistan publishes historic first EITI report

Afghanistan publishes historic first EITI report

H.E Minister Zakhilwal, in the panel from right to left Ms Najla Ayoobi Country Director OSA, Abdul Husain Fahim Chairperson of Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries, (ACCI), H.E Mr. Abdul Hadi Arghand

Afghanistan’s first EITI report was published on 1 August, covering two years of data - the Solar Hejri calendar years 1387 and 1388 (21 March 2008 – 20 March 2010). A summary report is also available. Five companies participated in the process. Approximately 90 per cent of revenues in 1387 stem from one signature bonus related to the Aynak copper mining project.

It is expected that government revenues will increase substantially in the coming years as several large projects move into production. A second report covering 1389 (21 March 2010 – 20 March 2011) is scheduled for publication in September.

EITI Chair Clare Short welcomed the publication of the report: “There is a great deal of interest in the potential for the extractive industries to transform Afghanistan’s economy. In order to realise this potential, the revenues from these projects must be well managed to the benefit of all Afghans. The publication of these reports will help increase transparency and accountability”.

Further information is available on the Afghanistan EITI website: and from Sam Bartlett:
