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Azerbaijan downgraded to candidate country

Tuesday, 14 April – Azerbaijan’s EITI status was today downgraded from ‘compliant’ to ‘candidate’. The international EITI Board reached this decision at its meeting in Brazzaville, Congo following the recently published EITI Validation report. Validation is the EITI’s independent evaluation mechanism and Azerbaijan is the first country to be validated against the 2013 EITI Standard.

The Board had called for an early validation following deep concern for the ability of civil society to engage critically in the EITI process in Azerbaijan.

Clare Short, Chair of the EITI, said:

“There has been some progress in addressing our concerns, but further work is needed to ensure that civil society in Azerbaijan can participate in the EITI in a meaningful way. We look forward to continuing to work together.”

This EITI validation does not assess the 2013 EITI report, which is due to be published in May 2015. Azerbaijan had previously been found compliant in 2009 against the old EITI Rules. Azerbaijan is still counted as EITI member. It can regain compliant status if it implements corrective actions within 12 months, or face suspension.

Addendum 11 September 2015: The list of corrective actions can be found in Annex A (p. 27) of the minutes of the 29th Board Meeting.


  • The EITI is a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organisations. Learn more at
  • EITI is chaired by the Rt. Hon. Clare Short. Ms Short was the UK Secretary of State for International Development (1997-2003).
  • 48 countries are now implementing the EITI Standard, and recognised as either EITI compliant or EITI candidate. See the list of countries at

For further information about the EITI Azerbaijan, please visit the country page on the EITI website and the national EITI website.
