Terms of Reference: Implementation Committee
Terms of Reference of the EITI Board's Implementation Committee
1. Background
In 2013, the EITI Board agreed to establish an Implementation Committee to oversee progress with implementation of the EITI Standard on behalf of the EITI Board. The purpose of the Implementation Committee is to provide oversight by the EITI Board of how the EITI Standard is being implemented and present recommendations on any policy issues related to the EITI Standard.
The Committee monitors challenges and opportunities in implementing countries, including overseeing work to document the impact of EITI implementation, highlighting good practice and encouraging efforts to strengthen implementation. Annual disclosures in line with the EITI Standard, development of work plans and documentation of innovations and outcomes at the national level require regular analysis and monitoring in order to address weaknesses in implementation prior to Validation and strengthen impact.
Given that the work of the Implementation Committee has often affected the work of other committees, in particular the Validation Committee, the Implementation Committee regularly informs other committees of its work. To this end, other committee chairs have been invited to observe Implementation Committee meetings.
2. Responsibilities
With support from the EITI International Secretariat, the Implementation Committee shall:
- Monitor progress with EITI implementation by reviewing the Implementation Progress Reports (IPRs) prepared by the International Secretariat.
- Review the impact of the EITI at the country level, identify innovations and promote good practice to implementing countries to strengthen EITI implementation and systematic disclosures. This includes considering the findings of EITI reporting, assessments for Validation and other documentation of outcomes from national EITI processes.
- Monitor the quality of EITI disclosures, including through annual and thematic reviews of EITI reporting.
- Monitor deadlines for EITI reporting and make recommendations on suspension where countries have not met the deadlines set out in Article 2 of Section 1 on Board oversight of EITI implementation, Part 2 of the 2023 EITI Standard.
- Review requests for lifting suspensions and make recommendations to the EITI Board in accordance with Article 8 of Section 1 on Board oversight of EITI implementation, Part 2 of the 2023 EITI Standard.
- Review extension requests related to EITI reporting submitted by implementing countries and make recommendations to the EITI Board in accordance with Article 7 of Section 1 on Board oversight of EITI implementation, Part 2 of the 2023 EITI Standard.
- Review requests for adapted implementation and make recommendations to the EITI Board in accordance with Article 1 of Section 1 on Board oversight of EITI implementation, Part 2 of the 2023 EITI Standard.
- Review and provide input to the Validation Committee, where appropriate, on requests for extensions to Validation deadlines in accordance with article 7 of section 1 on Board oversight of EITI implementation, Part 2 of the 2023 EITI Standard.
- Consider any emerging policy issues related to the EITI Standard, based on global developments, trends in EITI countries and demands from stakeholders in implementing countries.
3. Committee composition
The Implementation Committee was established through Board Circular 339. The members are listed on this page.
4. Committee policy on observers and quorum
The Committee follows the EITI Observer Policy for EITI committees as approved in December 2022. Stakeholders interested in observing Committee meetings will find information on upcoming meetings here.
The Committee also follows the EITI Board’s Policy on quorum for committees as established at its 18th EITI Board meeting in Jakarta in 2011 and reaffirmed in 2014:
For a meeting to be considered quorate, each constituency should have at least one member present and there should be at least one member from implementing countries. If a meeting is not quorate, decisions may be taken by correspondence on a no-objection basis following the circulation of meeting minutes.
Any committee member can call for a non-quorate meeting to be ended. In the absence of a committee member, a colleague or a Board member from the same constituency may convey the position of the committee member.
5. Committee papers and procedures
The Committee will be supported by the EITI International Secretariat to fulfil its Terms of Reference. This support will include drafting agenda, papers and minutes for consideration by the Committee. The documentation will be made regularly available through the Implementation Committee pages on the internal EITI Board website.
The Committee follows the Board-endorsed “Good practices for committee calls”, available on pages 10 and 11 of the EITI Board manual, including deadlines for the submission of papers and individual responsibilities of Committee members.
The Committee follows the EITI’s Openness Policy. Committee members should be judicious in their sharing of the internal working documents of the Committee, which are not considered public in accordance with provision 4 of the EITI Openness policy.
Members of the Implementation Committee are expected to familiarise themselves with – and abide by – the EITI Association Code of Conduct.