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The Board agreed that Liberia is ineligible for an extension of the reporting and Validation deadlines and is suspended effective 3 September 2018.

Decision on the suspension of Liberia

Decision reference
2018-45 / BC-256
Decision basis
2016 EITI Standard, Requirement 8.5 - EITI Validation extension request

The Board agreed that Liberia is ineligible for an extension of the reporting deadline and is suspended effective 4 September 2018.

In accordance with the EITI Standard, the suspension will be lifted if the EITI Board is satisfied that the outstanding EITI Report is endorsed by the multi-stakeholder group (MSG) and published within six months of the deadline (i.e. by 31 December 2018). If the outstanding EITI Report is not published by 31 December 2018, the suspension will remain in force until the EITI Board is satisfied that the country has met requirement 4.8 (i.e. has published an EITI Report covering data no older than the second to last complete accounting period – e.g. the 2016-2017 EITI Report is published by 30 June 2019). If the suspension is in effect for more than one year the EITI Board will delist Liberia. As per previous practice, the suspension is not enforced if the EITI Report is endorsed by the MSG and published before the date of this Board decision. 

Liberia is also ineligible for an extension of its Validation deadline (24 November 2018). 

In taking this decision, the EITI Board noted that the extension requests had not been endorsed by the MSG, as the MSG had not been reconstituted following the end of its term in October 2017. The Board called on the Government of Liberia to reconstitute the MSG and to revitalise implementation of the EITI in partnership with industry and civil society organisations. The reconstituted MSG could then take stock of progress, publish the outstanding EITI Report, and consider whether to submit a request to delay the commencement of Validation. 
