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The Board suspends Ethiopia for not meeting the publication deadline of their 2014/2015 Report.

Decision on Ethiopia's suspension

Decision reference
2017-35 / BC-237
Decision basis
2016 EITI Standard, Requirement 8.2 - Reporting deadlines

Ethiopia is ineligible for an extension and is suspended effective 4 September 2017.

In accordance with the EITI Standard, the suspension will be lifted if the EITI Board is satisfied that the outstanding EITI Report is published within six months of the deadline (i.e. by 7 January 2018). If the outstanding EITI Report is not published by 7 January 2018, the suspension will remain in force until the EITI Board is satisfied that the country has met requirement 4.8 (i.e., published an EITI Report covering data no older than the second to last complete accounting period – e.g. the 2016 EITI Report is published by the end of 2018). If the suspension is in effect for more than one year, the EITI Board will delist Ethiopia.
