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The Board agreed to an approach to Validation during COVID-19

The Board agreed to an approach to Validation during COVID-19

Decision reference
2020-32 / BC-290
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2019-2021, Article 12.1. ix)

The Board agreed the following for ongoing and upcoming Validations:

  • Recognising challenges related to travel restrictions and data collection, for ongoing Validations of Cameroon and Suriname, the period for data collection for the Validations of Cameroon and Suriname is extended until 1 September.
  • Upon request from MSGs, the Secretariat will grant an extension of up to four weeks to the deadline for providing feedback.
  • An extension to the commencement of Validation is automatically granted upon request to any country with a Validation scheduled to commence between April and end of August 2020. The maximum period of the extension is six months.

