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The Board approved Ukraine's request for adapted implementation.

The outcome of Ukraine's request for adapted implementation.

Decision reference
2023-38 / BC-340
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2023, Article 12

Board decision

The EITI Board accepts the Ukrainian EITI multi-stakeholder group’s request for adapted implementation with respect to the coverage of extractive industries in certain territories that are occupied by Russia. The request applies to 2022 and 2023 EITI reporting.

The EITI Standard allows for adapted implementation “where the country faces exceptional circumstances that necessitate deviation from the implementation requirements” (Article 1 of Section 4). In taking this decision, the EITI Board notes that due to Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine, the government is currently unable to compel companies and local government agencies in these occupied regions to participate in the EITI process.

The EITI Board welcomes the commitment from the Ukrainian government and the multi-stakeholder group to continue to engage, where possible, with companies and government agencies in these occupied regions with a view to ensuring comprehensive disclosure in accordance with the EITI Standard. Where comprehensive information is not obtained from these entities, the multi-stakeholder group is expected to reference other publicly available sources of information. The 2022 and 2023 EITI reporting should include an assessment of the comprehensiveness of the information, highlighting any gaps in the information available.
