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The Board lifted Peru's suspension

In accordance with the EITI Standard, Peru's suspension is lifted following the publication of their 2021 EITI Report.

Decision reference
2024-30 / BC-349
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2023, Article 12

Board decision

The EITI Board temporarily suspended Peru on 29 February 2024 for failing to publish their 2021 EITI Report. In accordance with the EITI Standard, it was agreed that the suspension would be lifted if the EITI Board is satisfied that the outstanding EITI Report was published within six months of the deadline. The Secretariat can confirm that Peru published its 2021 Report on 5 June 2024, within 6 months of the original reporting deadline of 30 December 2023. Thus, the condition for lifting the suspension has been met and the decision has been published.
