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Board extended pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting and measures relating to flexible reporting, reporting deadlines and extension requests

Decision on pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting and measures relating to flexible reporting, reporting deadlines and extension requests

Decision reference
2022-57 / BC-330
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2019-2021, Article 12.1.i)

Board decision

In June 2021, the Board extended the flexible reporting option and the pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting to December 2022. Recognising the need for greater certainty needed as implementing countries embark on a new reporting cycle in 2023, the Board agreed that:

  • The ‘flexible reporting’ option is extended until a new Board-approved standardised procedure for EITI reporting is agreed and implemented.
  • The pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting is continued and that the ongoing development of a new Board-approved standardised procedure is leveraged to provide guidance to implementing countries. Input from pilot countries will be considered in the further development of the risk-based approach.