Board extends pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting and measures relating to flexible reporting, reporting deadlines and extension requests to 2022
Decision on alternative and flexible approaches to EITI reporting
At their 50th Board meeting in June 2021, the EITI International Board considered an update on innovations in EITI reporting in the 55 implementing countries. The update highlighted that a majority of implementing countries are modifying their disclosure and reporting practices. Based on early lessons from the flexible reporting approach and piloting alternative approaches to EITI reporting, as well as on priorities for improving implementation support and guidance, the Board agreed the following:
- The “flexible reporting” option is extended for a further 12 months (until 31 December 2022), with further updates and refinements to the guidance materials based on the lessons learned from reporting in 2021.
- The pilot on alternative approaches to EITI reporting is continued and scaled up for another reporting cycle (until 31 December 2022).
- The lessons learned from the different approaches to reporting including the pilot are reviewed and presented to the Board (via the Implementation Committee) in early 2022.