Gabon's candidature application was received by the EITI Secretariat on 16 August 2021.
Below you can find the following documents:
- EITI candidature application (FR)
- EITI candidature application (EN)
Public Statement
- Annex 1 - Official letter from the Head of State
Work plan
- Updated work plan (submitted 19 September 2021)
- Annex 26 - Work plan (submitted 16 August 2021)
MSG Governance
- Annex 21 - Decree reorganising the Group of Interest of EITI Gabon
- Annex 22 - List of MSG members
- Annex 23 - Articles of Association of EITI Gabon
- Annex 25 - Minutes of the extraordinary MSG meeting on 5 August 2021
- Annex 27 - Internal rules
Company engagement
- Annex 7 - Samples from the attendance lists of MSG meetings (for companies)
- Annex 8 - Letters of engagement from operators from public and private sector constituency
- Annex 9 - Public statements made by operators from public and private sector
- Annex 10 (a) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for oil companies in Gabon
- Annex 10 (b) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for mining companies in Gabon
- Annex 10 (c) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for Chamber of Commerce
- Annex 10 (d) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for public operators (GOC and SEM)
- Annex 11 (a) - Fact sheet on legal and fiscal incentives in the oil and gas sector
- Annex 11 (b) - Summary of the Mining Code
Civil society engagement
- Annex 12 - Samples from the attendance lists of MSG meetings (for civil society)
- Annex 13 - Samples of minutes from General Assembly meetings
- Annex 14 - Letter of engagement from associations members of RENAREx
- Annex 15 - Minutes from outreach meetings in communities impacted by the oil exploitation on the Omboué site
- Annex 16 (a) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in mining, oil and environment sectors
- Annex 16 (b) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in good governance
- Annex 16 (c) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in the press
- Annex 16 (d) - Code for civil society participation in EITI implementation in Gabon
- Annex 17 - Summary of exchanges between civil society constituency and World Bank, the IMF and EU
- Annex 18 - Public statement from civil society when the code for civil society participation was adopted
- Annex 19 - Samples of daily texts from SOGEVAL
- Annex 20 - Common statement supporting civil society in implementing the EITI (3-5 August 2021)
Government engagement
- Annex 2 (a) - Press release extract from the Ministerial Council appointing the President of national Group of Interest
- Annex 2 (b) - Proof of the appointment of the President of national Group of Interest by the Ministerial Council
- Annex 2 (c) - Designation of the Public Administration representatives
- Annex 3 - Government's strategic orientations in the Gabonese extractive sector and EITI Gabon's ambition
- Annex 4 - Samples of photos from ordinary and extraordinary meetings
- Annex 5 - Samples of minutes from ordinary and extraordinary meetings
- Annex 6 - Letter of engagement from the Public Administration constituency
- Press release from Minister of Economy
- Explication note with additional information, including per diem policy and work plan specifications
- Annex to the explication Note