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Gabon EITI implementing country application

Candidature application of Gabon

Gabon EITI

Gabon's candidature application was received by the EITI Secretariat on 16 August 2021. 

Below you can find the following documents:

Candidature documents

  • EITI candidature application (FR)
  • EITI candidature application (EN)

Public Statement

  • Annex 1 - Official letter from the Head of State

Work plan

  • Updated work plan (submitted 19 September 2021)
  • Annex 26 - Work plan (submitted 16 August 2021)

MSG Governance

  • Annex 21 - Decree reorganising the Group of Interest of EITI Gabon
  • Annex 22 - List of MSG members 
  • Annex 23 - Articles of Association of EITI Gabon
  • Annex 25 - Minutes of the extraordinary MSG meeting on 5 August 2021
  • Annex 27 - Internal rules

Company engagement

  • Annex 7 - Samples from the attendance lists of MSG meetings (for companies)
  • Annex 8 - Letters of engagement from operators from public and private sector constituency
  • Annex 9 - Public statements made by operators from public and private sector
  • Annex 10 (a) -  Letter appointing the EITI representative for oil companies in Gabon
  • Annex 10 (b) -  Letter appointing the EITI representative for mining companies in Gabon
  • Annex 10 (c) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for Chamber of Commerce
  • Annex 10 (d) -  Letter appointing the EITI representative for public operators (GOC and SEM)
  • Annex 11 (a) - Fact sheet on legal and fiscal incentives in the oil and gas sector
  • Annex 11 (b) - Summary of the Mining Code

Civil society engagement

  • Annex 12 - Samples from the attendance lists of MSG meetings (for civil society)
  • Annex 13 - Samples of minutes from General Assembly meetings
  • Annex 14 - Letter of engagement from associations members of RENAREx
  • Annex 15 - Minutes from outreach meetings in communities impacted by the oil exploitation on the Omboué site
  • Annex 16 (a) -  Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in mining, oil and environment sectors
  • Annex 16 (b) -  Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in good governance
  • Annex 16 (c) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in the press
  • Annex 16 (d) - Code for civil society participation in EITI implementation in Gabon
  • Annex 17 - Summary of exchanges between civil society constituency and World Bank, the IMF and EU 
  • Annex 18 - Public statement from civil society when the code for civil society participation was adopted
  • Annex 19 - Samples of daily texts from SOGEVAL 
  • Annex 20 - Common statement supporting civil society in implementing the EITI (3-5 August 2021)

Government engagement

  • Annex 2 (a) - Press release extract from the Ministerial Council appointing the President of national Group of Interest
  • Annex 2 (b) - Proof of the appointment of the President of national Group of Interest by the Ministerial Council
  • Annex 2 (c) - Designation of the Public Administration representatives
  • Annex 3 - Government's strategic orientations in the Gabonese extractive sector and EITI Gabon's ambition
  • Annex 4 - Samples of photos from ordinary and extraordinary meetings
  • Annex 5 - Samples of minutes from ordinary and extraordinary meetings
  • Annex 6 - Letter of engagement from the Public Administration constituency
  • Press release from Minister of Economy


  • Explication note with additional information, including per diem policy and work plan specifications
  • Annex to the explication Note
    Additional document(s)
    EITI implementing country application EN Annex 1 - Official letter from the Head of State Annex 2 (a) - Samples of press releases from the Ministerial Council appointing the President of national Group of Interest Annex 2 (b) - Proof of the appointment of the President of national Group of Interest by the Ministerial Council Annex 2 (c) - Designation of the Public Administration representatives Annex 3 - Government's strategic orientations in the Gabonese extractive sector and EITI Gabon's ambition Annex 4 - Samples of photos from ordinary and extraordinary meetings Annex 5 - Samples of minutes from ordinary and extraordinary meetings Annex 6 - Letter of engagement from the Public Administration constituency Annex 7 - Samples from the attendance lists of MSG meetings (for companies) Annex 8 - Letters of engagement from operators from public and private sector constituency Annex 9 - Public statements made by operators from public and private sector Annex 10 (a) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for oil companies in Gabon Annex 10 (b) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for mining companies Annex 10 (c) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for Chamber of Commerce Annex 10 (d) - Letter appointing the EITI representative for public operators (GOC and SEM) Annex 11 (a) - Fact sheet on legal and fiscal incentives in the oil and gas sector Annex 11 (b) - Summary of the Mining Code Annex 12 - Samples from the attendance lists of MSG meetings (for civil society) Annex 13 - Samples of minutes from General Assembly meetings Annex 14 - Letter of engagement from associations members of RENAREx Annex 15 - Minutes from outreach meetings in communities impacted by the oil exploitation on the Omboué site Annex 16 (a) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in mining, oil and environment sectors Annex 16 (b) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in good governance Annex 16 (c) - Minutes from meeting appointing the EITI representatives for NGOs in press Annex 16 (d) - Code for civil society participation in EITI implementation in Gabon Annex 17 - Summary of exchanges between civil society constituency and World Bank, the IMF and EU Annex 18 - Public statement from civil society when the code for civil society participation was adopted Annex 19 - Samples of daily texts from SOGEVAL  Annex 20 - Common statement supporting civil society in implementing the EITI (3-5 August 2021) Annex 21 - Decree reorganising the Group of Interest of EITI Gabon Annex 22 - List of MSG members Annex 23 - Articles of Association of EITI Gabon Annex 25 - Minutes of the extraordinary MSG meeting on 5 August 2021 Updated workplan (submitted 19 September 2021) Annex 26 - Workplan (submitted 16 August 2021) Annex 27 - Internal rules Press release from the Minister of Economy Explication Note for additional information Annex of Explication Note EITI implementing country application FR