Policy priorities
Our policy priorities reflect the EITI's strategic objectives and key areas in which we support countries with implementation of the EITI Standard. Our policy work underpins the EITI's mission to promote understanding of natural resource management, strengthen public and corporate governance and provide the data to inform greater transparency and accountability in the extractives sector.
EITI reporting and implementation spans across the extractive industry value chain, from the legal frameworks governing the oil, gas and mining sectors, to how revenues make their way through the government and how they benefit the public.
Beneficial ownership
Knowing who owns and controls extractive companies
Contract transparency
Strengthening public oversight of extractive sector agreements
Energy transition
Using data to inform energy transition pathways
State-owned enterprises
Strengthening accountability of state participation
Commodity trading
Shedding light on how oil, gas and minerals are bought and sold
Systematic disclosure
Reporting data at source
Other policy areas
Promoting more equal participation in the extractive sector
Exploration and licensing
Transparent frameworks for license allocation
Production and exports
Transparency from ground to market
Revenue collection
Enabling public oversight of extractive sector revenues
Revenue distribution
Monitoring how extractive revenues benefit communities
Environmental reporting
Enabling public scrutiny of data on environmental impact
Artisanal and small-scale mining
Uncovering data to help formalise artisanal and small-scale mining