Support for the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an important part of Norway’s efforts to promote good governance of natural resources.
Engagement with the EITI
The Norwegian Government has been a strong supporter of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) since its establishment. Norway is a supporting country as well as an implementing country. The country has also supported activities promoted by the EITI International Secretariat in Oslo.
In 2019, the roundtable discussion on Emerging Trends and Strategic Priorities in Extractive Industries Governance hosted by the EITI in Oslo gathered 60 representatives from the extractives industry, civil society, the investor community, the Norwegian government agencies including the Norwegian Agency for Development and Cooperation (Norad). Read more about the roundtable discussion on the EITI website.
Support for EITI implementing countries
The Norwegian Government supports the EITI International Secretariat through the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Norad has multi-year agreements with the International Secretariat and the World Bank Extractives Global Programmatic Support (EGPS) Trust Fund for financial support for EITI implementation. The Norwegian diplomatic service is also involved in promoting the EITI in resource-rich countries.
Support for EITI implementation is primarily provided through the World Bank Trust Fund (EGPS). Norway is also engaged in bilateral support to EITI implementing countries, primarily through Norad and the Oil for Development Programme (OfD) which offers assistance to developing countries in their effort to manage petroleum resources sustainably. Read more about the Oil for Development (OfD) Programme and the EITI on Norad's website.
EITI focal contact: Solveig Andresen, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.