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The Board approved the final changes to the 2019 EITI Standard and transitional arrangements.

Decision on the changes to the EITI Standard

Decision reference
2019-36 / BC-272
Decision basis
EITI Articles of Association 2016-2019, Article 12

The Board approved the final changes to the 2019 EITI Standard. The updated Standard will be formally adopted and launched the at the 43rd Board meeting in Paris. 

The changes that were agreed by the Board in Kyiv are indicated in blue, while further edits proposed by the Implementation Committee that were put to the Board for approval in Board circular 272 are indicated in red.

The Board also approved the inclusion of supporting companies expectations (see decision 2018-40/BM-40) in the 2019 EITI Standard.

The EITI Board agreed that the 2019 Standard will come into force immediately, i.e., when it will be formally adopted on 17 June 2019. Implementing countries are encouraged to adopt the new Standard as soon as possible. Countries currently working on EITI Reports and corrective actions from Validation may continue their work under the 2016 Standard. For EITI disclosures and reports published prior to 31 December 2019 the Board will apply a “no disadvantage test” in Validations and other assessments whereby implementing countries may demonstrate adherence to either the 2016 EITI Standard or the 2019 EITI Standard. From 1 January 2020 onwards, only the 2019 EITI Standard will apply. Prior to 1 January 2020, multi-stakeholder groups may seek Board approval to extend this transition period. In considering such requests, the Board will apply the same criteria as used in other extension cases. 

The Board tasked the International Secretariat with providing support to implementing countries in understanding the changes that are required and with providing regular updates to the Board through the Secretariat’s Implementation Progress Reports.

The Board also agreed to consider opportunities to recognise countries that are adopting these changes ahead of schedule both through the Validation process and in other communication materials.