Guinea has achieved a high overall score in implementing the 2019 EITI Standard.
Outcome of the Validation of Guinea
Board decision
Guinea has achieved a high overall score in implementing the 2019 EITI Standard (88 points). The overall score reflects an average of the three component scores on "Stakeholder engagement", "Transparency" and "Outcomes and impact".
The EITI Board commends Guinea for achieving a high score on "Outcomes and impact" (91 points). While the COVID-19 pandemic slowed the pace of the MSG’s dissemination of EITI findings, Guinea EITI has contributed to policy dialogue and reform on extractive industry issues. The Board encourages Guinea to sustain its transition towards open-format EITI disclosures to strengthen the impact of implementation and improving the inter-operability of EITI data with existing government and company disclosure systems. Guinea EITI has an opportunity to more closely link its annual work planning with national priorities and its annual review of outcomes and impact, integrating a greater results-based approach to monitoring and evaluation.
On "Transparency", Guinea reached a moderate score (83 points). The Board commends Guinea for improvements in government systematic disclosures of extractive data including on production, exports and licenses, which also covers the important artisanal mining sector and is among the timeliest set of disclosures of EITI data. Guinea has established its annual EITI reporting as an authoritative centralised source of data on the extractive industries. The Board welcomes new disclosures on resource-backed loan agreements, environmental impacts and local content that is in high demand by national stakeholders. By more comprehensively addressing newer aspects of the EITI Standard related to beneficial ownership and project-level reporting as well as improving transparency in license allocations and subnational payments, Guinea has the opportunity of enhancing the EITI’s role as a source of public data necessary to assess the rules and practices of extractive industry governance.
Guinea achieved a high component score on "Stakeholder engagement" (90 points). Guinea has broadened civil society engagement in EITI implementation and reinvigorated the industry constituency’s participation. All constituencies on the MSG now appear to represent their broader constituencies and are actively engaged in all aspects of implementation. The Board encourages the MSG to exercise continued vigilance to ensure that the EITI remains a robust transparency and accountability mechanism following the political transition since September 2021. While there have been reports of isolated incidents of potential retribution to critical expression on natural resource governance in the context of political tensions in the 2019-2020 period, these do not appear to have affected stakeholders substantially engaged in EITI implementation. However, the Board urges the MSG to closely monitor any allegations of breaches of the EITI Protocol: participation of civil society to ensure that there are no legal, regulatory or practical barriers to civil society’s engagement in all aspects of the EITI process.
The Board has determined that Guinea will have until a next Validation commencing on 1 April 2024 to carry out corrective actions regarding contract and license allocations (Requirement 2.2), contracts (Requirement 2.4), beneficial ownership (Requirement 2.5), disaggregation (Requirement 4.7) and direct subnational payments (Requirement 4.6). Failure to demonstrate progress on Transparency in the next Validation may result in temporary suspension in accordance with Article 6 of the EITI Standard. In accordance with the EITI Standard, Guinea’s MSG may request an extension of this timeframe or request that Validation commences earlier than scheduled.
Corrective actions and strategic recommendations
The EITI Board agreed the following corrective actions to be undertaken by Guinea. Progress in addressing these corrective actions will be assessed in the next Validation commencing on 1 April 2024:
- In accordance with Requirement 2.4.c.ii, Guinea should publish a comprehensive overview of all active extractive contracts and licenses (including annexes, amendments and riders), indicating which are publicly available and which are not. For all published contracts and licenses, it should include a reference or link to the location where the contract or license is published. If a contract or license awarded or amended after 1 January 2021 is not published, the legal or practical barriers should be publicly documented and explained and comprehensively resolved ahead of the second phase of Validation for Requirement 2.4 starting in January 2022.
- In accordance with Requirement 2.2, Guinea should ensure public disclosure of information on awards and transfers of mining and petroleum licenses on an annual basis, including the technical and financial criteria assessed and a detailed annual assessment of non-trivial deviations from statutory procedures in license awards and transfers. Guinea may wish to include additional information on the allocation of licenses as part of the EITI disclosures, including for instance commentary on the efficiency and effectiveness of licensing procedures, and a description of procedures, actual practices and grounds for renewing, suspending or revoking an extractive contract or license.
- In accordance with Requirement 2.5, Guinea is required to disclose the beneficial owners of all companies holding or applying for extractive licenses. To achieve this target, Guinea should request all license holders to disclose beneficial ownership information and to require all applicants of extractive licenses to disclose their beneficial owners. An assessment of the comprehensiveness and reliability of this information should be undertaken by the MSG. The government should consider the feasibility of establishing a public register of beneficial owners. Guinea is encouraged to agree priorities for beneficial ownership disclosures and, based on these priorities, plan efforts to obtain this data. For example, Guinea may prioritise disclosures by certain types of companies, companies holding a certain type of license or producing a certain commodity due to risks related to corruption, tax evasion or circumventing provisions for local participation. These priorities should guide outreach efforts to companies and provide them guidance. It is recommended that disclosures are published in open data format, comparable and easy to analyse. Guinea may wish to expand beneficial ownership disclosures to other segments of the upstream extractive value chain, for instance through collection and disclosure of beneficial ownership information from extractive-sector service providers, to enable monitoring of adherence to local content provisions and to manage corruption and tax evasion risks.
- In accordance with Requirement 4.7, Guinea should continue to improve its disclosures of government extractive revenues by project (license, contract and concession). Guinea should ensure that any substantially interconnected agreements or overarching agreements are publicly identified, and that relevant data for each company is sufficiently linked to individual projects. To further improve on government systems, and their ability to monitor payments on a per-project basis, the MSG is encouraged to engage government agencies responsible for their collection. This could include exploring whether any changes are needed in laws or in statutory instruments and regulations, while ensuring such changes are cost-effective.
- In accordance with Requirement 4.6, Guinea is required to ensure that, where material, extractive company payments to subnational government entities and the receipt of these payments are publicly disclosed. Guinea EITI is required to agree a procedure to address data quality and assurance of information on subnational payments, in accordance with Requirement 4.9.
Guinea is encouraged to consider the following recommendations to strengthen EITI implementation:
Outcomes and impact
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to ensure a more systematic approach to ensuring that all stakeholders are able to participate in reviewing the impact of EITI implementation, for instance through surveys or polls.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea could consider more clearly linking EITI work plan activities with the reforms in the extractive sector.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to work with government entities that systematically disclose EITI data, such as the BSD, to ensure publication of data in open formats.
Stakeholder engagement
To strengthen implementation, the government is encouraged to ensure that sufficient resources are secured for EITI implementation despite the temporarily suspension of development partner support.
To strengthen implementation, the industry constituency is encouraged to institutionalise outreach efforts to companies which are not members of the Chamber of Mines, supported by Guinea EITI and the government, potentially through ‘open days’ on EITI open to all companies.
To strengthen implementation, the MSG is encouraged to regularly monitor developments regarding civil society’s ability to engage in all aspects of the EITI process and to organise awareness-raising sessions on the EITI protocol: Participation of civil society, with participation from the three constituencies. The government, in collaboration with the MSG, is encouraged to document the measures it undertakes to remove any obstacles to civil society participation in the EITI, should these arise in future. In accordance with the EITI protocol: Participation of civil society, civil society MSG members are encouraged to bring any ad hoc restrictions that could constitute a breach of the protocol to the attention of the MSG. The MSG is expected to document how it addresses these concerns.
To strengthen implementation, the MSG and each constituency should consider gender balance in their representation to progress towards gender parity. Members of the MSG are expected to abide by the EITI Association Code of Conduct, and the three constituencies are expected to abide equally to rules on conflict of interest and on the treatment of confidential information.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to ensure that there is systematic disclosure of significant exploration activities in the extractive sector of the country.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea may wish to ensure regular publications of estimates of informal extractive activities on government portals, similarly to the production estimates published through the Ministry of Mines and Geology’s quarterly publications.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea may wish to consider expanding its EITI disclosures to the rules and practices of environmental management and monitoring of extractive investments in accordance with Requirement 6.4.a, for instance to ensure that extractive companies’ environmental impact assessments are publicly disclosed. Guinea could also consider disclosures on regular environmental monitoring procedures, administrative and sanctioning processes, as well as environmental liabilities, environmental rehabilitation, and remediation programmes in accordance with Requirement 6.4.b.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to ensure that all information listed under Requirement 2.3.b, including dates of application, are systematically disclosed for all active licenses in the mining, oil and gas sectors, irrespective of the materiality of payments to government associated with each.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is strongly encouraged to consider the extent to which routine publication of SOEs’ status and annual audited financial statements would clarify the rules and practices of state ownership.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to undertake a comprehensive review of all expenditures undertaken by extractives SOEs that could be considered quasi-fiscal and develop a reporting process with a view to achieving a level of transparency on all types of quasi-fiscal activities linked to extractives revenues commensurate with other payments and revenue streams. To strengthen transparency regarding this type of transaction, Guinea could agree to a review of documents other than SOEs’ audited financial statements, such as procurement plans, in order to ensure a comprehensive overview of possible quasi-fiscal expenditures in the extractive sector.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to disclose through the quarterly bulletins production values disaggregated by region, company or project, and to include sources and the methods for calculating production volumes and values.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to disclose in the quarterly bulletins export values disaggregated by region, company or project, and to include sources and the methods for calculating export volumes and values.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea could consider systematizing the digital reporting of extractive companies' payments through its new Fusion platform, in order to move toward systematic and comprehensive disclosure of extractive revenues.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to pursue its use of EITI reporting as a tool for monitoring implementation of the framework agreement between China and Guinea.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea may wish to follow-up with companies regularly failing to provide the required quality assurances, in order to reinforce the reliability of the data presented by the EITI.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is encouraged to use its EITI reporting to align with national and international revenue classification systems in accordance with Requirement 5.3.b to insure the inter-operability of its EITI open data efforts.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea may wish to use its EITI implementation to ensure timely information from the government that will further public understanding and debate around issues of revenue sustainability and resource dependence. This may include the assumptions underpinning forthcoming years in the budget cycle and relating to projected production, commodity prices and revenue forecasts arising from the extractive industries and the proportion of future fiscal revenues expected to come from the extractive sector in accordance with Requirement 5.3.c.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea is strongly encouraged to publish comprehensive information on subnational transfers of extractive revenues in accordance with Requirement 5.2 for all disclosures covering 2019 onwards.
To strengthen implementation, Guinea may wish to work with extractive companies to systematically disclose mandatory and voluntary social expenditures through routine company disclosures. Guinea is encouraged to reassess the scope of social expenditures and environmental payments to government on an annual basis to ensure adequate coverage considering stakeholder interest.
The government and the MSG are encouraged to consider these recommendations, and to document the MSG’s responses to these recommendations in the next annual review of outcomes and impact of EITI implementation.
In February 2019, the Board agreed that Guinea had made “meaningful progress with considerable improvements” in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard. The next Validation of Guinea was scheduled to commence on 27 August 2020. Due to the transition to the revised Validation model, the Board rescheduled the Validation to commence on 1 July 2021. On 28 July 2021, the EITI Board approved Guinea’s request for an extension to its Validation deadline, to 1 October 2021.
Guinea EITI collated documentation for Validation using the Board-agreed data collection templates on Stakeholder engagement, Transparency and Outcomes and impact. The files are available on the Guinea EITI website. The International Secretariat’s Validation team prepared an initial assessment following the Validation procedure and Validation Guide. In accordance with the Validation procedure, a public call for stakeholder views on EITI implementation was open from 1 September to 1 October 2021. Virtual stakeholder consultations were undertaken from 11 to 28 October 2021.
The draft assessment was shared with the MSG for feedback on 14 December 2021, with a deadline of 12 January 2022. MSG comments were received on 10 January 2022, after which the assessment was finalised for the Validation Committee’s review.
In accordance with Article 4.c of Section 4 of the 2019 EITI Standard, the overall assessment consists of component scores on Stakeholder engagement, Transparency and Outcomes and impact, as well as an overall numerical score. The component score represents an average of the points awarded for each applicable requirement. The points awarded on the effectiveness and sustainability indicators are added to the component score on Outcomes and impact. The overall score is the average of the three component scores.
Scorecard for Guinea: 2022
Assessment of EITI requirements
- Not met
- Partly met
- Mostly met
- Fully met
- Exceeded
Component View more |
The three components of Validation each receive a score out of 100, as follows: |
Outcomes and impact |
Stakeholder engagement |
Transparency |