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Democratic Republic of the Congo 2018 Validation

Outcome of the Validation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

On 16 October 2019, the Board agreed that the Democratic Republic of the Congo has made meaningful progress overall in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard (2019-55/BM-45).

Timeline of Validation and related materials

The DRC's Validation against the Standard was scheduled to commence on 1 July 2018. Following the deadline extension request submitted to the EITI Board on 30 June 2018 by the EITI DRC multi-stakeholder group, the Board granted the extension of the Validation deadline. The DRC's Validation began on 1 October 2018. The International Secretarit will take into consideration, to the extent possible, all publicly available information up to 1 October 2018. 

A country visit took place on 3-16 November 2018. 

The International Secretariat's initial assessment was completed on 15 April 2019. 

The draft Validation report and initial assessment were circulated to the MSG on 21 May 2019.

The final Validation report was issued on 25 July 2019. 

This Validation was discussed by the VC at the meeting on 14 August, 28 August and 30 September 2019. 


Initial data collection and stakeholder consultations

  • 15.04.2019 - Report on Initial data collection and stakeholder consultation 

Validation Report & comments

  • 16.05.2019 - Draft Validation Report 
  • 05.07.2019 - Comments from the MSG
  • 25.07.2019 - Response by the Independent Validator to MSG comments
  • 25.07.2019 - Final Validation Report 

Validation Committee and Board review

  • 02.10.2019 - VC Recommendation to the Board, Board Paper 45-5-A
  • 16.10.2019 - Board decision 2019-55/BM-45, assessment card and corrective actions