Progress in EITI implementation in Zambia - call for views
Zambia’s next Validation against the 2019 EITI Standard was scheduled to commence on 1 April 2021. An extension request was recieved on 31 March 2021 and is being assessed by the Board.
In accordance with the Validation procedure, the EITI International Secretariat is seeking stakeholder views on Zambia’s progress in implementing the EITI Standard between December 2019 and April 2021. The Secretariat is seeking feedback on whether the government, extractive companies and civil society are fully, actively and effectively engaged in EITI implementation. More detailed consultation questions are accessible in the consultation document.
Stakeholders are requested to send views to Sam Bartlett ( and Christoffer Claussen ( by 1 April 2021. Responses will be anonymised and be kept confidential.