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Round Table on Transparency, Anti-corruption Measures and Business Ethics

  • 14 – 15 July 2011

On July 14th and 15th, a Round Table on Transparency, Anti-corruption measures and Business Ethics will be hosted by the Wittenberg Centre for Global Ethics and Mazungumzo - the African Forum in Brussels, in Wittenberg, Germany. This joint workshop will bring together European and African experts to discuss the importance of business ethics in any anti-corruption and transparency mechanism with the aim of exchanging views on how to combat most effectively illegal business practices in Europe and Africa, and to strengthen a comprehensive European approach.

The recent adoption by the US Congress  of the Dodd-Frank amendments art 1502-1504 has triggered regulatory action in the EU in this field, where the European Commission is currently preparing future legislation. The practical outcome of this Round Table will indeed be to provide concrete inputs to the ongoing work of the Platform on Democratic Government and Human Rights of the EU-AU Joint Strategy (which is preparing a document on possible inputs for future EU legislation), and to the work started in the European Parliament on this same issue.

Being seats limited, availability will be determined on a first-come first-served basis. Please be so kind as to confirm your participation at before the 8th of July. A confirmation of your registration will follow.