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Mining and metals companies

Gold Fields

We support the principles and processes of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) through our membership of the ICMM and various regional initiatives in Ghana and Peru.

Statement of support

Engagement with the EITI

Peru and Ghana are the only two EITI implementing country where Gold Fields has operations. Gold Fields Ghana is a member of the multi-stakeholder group (MSG) and a member of the Ghana Chamber of Mines (GCM). The company has been directly involved in the EITI implementation process in the country and participates in activities organised by the Ghana Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (GHEITI). Gold Fields La Cima, in Peru, also supports the implementation of the EITI Standard

Gold Field's participates actively in the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). The ICMMmakes its contribution to the EITI International Secretariat on behalf of all its members.

Statement of support for the EITI on Gold Field's website

Company assessment

Download the results of the 2023 assessment of company progress in meeting the Expectations for EITI supporting companies.

EITI countries